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Generative Artificial Intelligence: OneMarketer Business Session
Last Thursday, April 18, generative artificial intelligence was part of a new celebration of our first OneMarketer Business Session of the year. An event that brought together important figures from the Chilean business sector to explore the latest trends in AI and its application in customer service.
The day began with a warm welcome from Paula Carreño, Head of Sales at OneMarketer, who welcomed a room full of representatives from our main clients in Chile: SURA, Transbank, Chilexpress and Koandina, among others, along with an audience of more than 100 attendees connected online.
The first presentation was given by Paula Carrillo, Customer Engineering Manager at Google, who guided us through a fascinating journey through the history of generative artificial intelligence at Google. From its beginnings with AlphaGo to the revolutionary new era of Gemini, Paula captivated us with the endless possibilities that this technology offers to integrate digital care and operations solutions in companies. Her presentation generated great interest among attendees, who took the opportunity to ask questions and share their own experiences.
Likewise, Francisco Pellegrini, Head of Delivery at OneMarketer, opened his presentation by making us aware that implementing generative artificial intelligence in companies does not necessarily have to be a complex job, but it requires proper planning for its implementation. Afterwards, he showed us the necessary inputs to implement a bot with IAG: to have the company’s database (the context), to generate the bot training and to obtain an implementation space, such as our OneMarketer console.
To conclude his speech, he then surprised us with a live demonstration of a Generative Artificial Intelligence bot. Attendees were able to test the bot by scanning a QR code that took them to an interactive chat. This technical-commercial support chatbot, trained to guide the customer in the resolution of incidents with their smartphones or mobile devices, not only recognized the user’s problem, but also provided personalized resources to solve their problem efficiently.
At the end of the day we had the audiovisual participation of Jesús Reynaga, Head of Digital Channels of Izipay Peru: number one company in on and offline payment services. From Lima, he shared with us Izipay’s experience with OneMarketer for the implementation of the WhatsApp channel in their digital customer service, massive campaigns and their plans to integrate generative artificial intelligence this year. In addition, he highlighted the benefits that Izipay has obtained with its digital transformation strategy, such as the reduction of operating costs, the increase in the number of services, the reduction of waiting times and the improvement in customer experience.
The OneMarketer Business Session was a resounding success, both for the organization and the attendees. The day was full of valuable information, practical demonstrations and networking opportunities around the generative artificial intelligence ecosystem.
Recap: Generative Artificial Intelligence OM Business Session
Given the great reception of this first session, OneMarketer plans to repeat this event in the second half of the year. If you would like to participate in the next edition of the OneMarketer Business Session, please send an email to info@onemarketer.net with the subject “OneMarketer Business Session 2nd edition 2024”.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be at the forefront of generative artificial intelligence and its application in customer service!